It’s rather strange that I’m unmarried as a 38 year old. Especially because I’m Indian and formerly bohra Muslim. My beliefs are more spiritual than anything I tend to gravitate towards Hinduism. I like my life even though there’s problems. I’m glad that I do not have children and I have the freedom to do what I want (to a degree). Ideally I would love to travel the world but my finances have been spotty lately. I’m doing my best to come back up and have the life that I can enjoy. I turn to my ancestors and spirit guides for guidance and hope that I have the strength to move on and try to make a better life. Currently I’m trying to move to Texas where I have more cousins and hopefully get a fresh start and begin a new chapter in my life. Hopefully I can transfer with my job and have something to build on when I get there. Till then our world is in chaos trying to decide who’s right and wrong (Israel vs Palestine) while it’s innocent people who suffer. If only the world knew who was responsible. I have watched many of David Wilcox’s interviews and documentary videos. I suggest you do the same. One day I hope to see a better world till then we pray for a better future.