Join me in my life's journey. I love God, I have my struggles, my achievements and my world. I love to cook and realize I love sharing food with others.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
the home of the free
So I watched Sex and the City 2, just because I wanted to. I realized that I just take some things for granted like having freedom as a woman in a country. It's horrible to see that many women in other countries do not enjoy the freedom we take for granted. Why is the world warring against women? Do they not realize that we are your mothers? If not your sisters or wives? What we need is a place that promotes women's rights and liberties can we make such a country? It sure doesn't exist in U.S. there are still glass ceilings at work. Is there a country for women? If not I wish I could make one where there are laws that benefit women.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
being weird
So I just was lethargic half an hour ago I just wanted to snuggle and sleep even though I had slept for 8 hours but when I got up and cleaned my apt (it really needed to be cleaned) I got all this energy and now I don't feel tired anymore it's the weirdest thing. I guess I need to do things in order not to feel lethargic. I will prevail and also I feel loads better after I have done things. The best part is sharing food with neighbors :)
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Harry Potter
I am so excited for tonite's showing of Harry Potter. Luckily I got a ticket through a person who didn't wanna go...I know crazy. But hey who am I to judge. Her loss. my GAIN :D I feel like a little kid :)
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Happy Diwali
So it's the indian new year, a time for goodwill and prosperity. I am going to go to a diwali festival today at my school. I forgot all my indian outfits at home (I know, stupid of me) but I have my kurtis so it works...I love how I am doing random things :) too bad we can't have fireworks. I miss lighting fireworks and watchin them
Thursday, October 7, 2010
My Heart and Soul
So I have been doing a lot of thinking. I am going to allow the universe to do what it wants if I am not going to be a psychologist then be it so. However I feel that I do have to defend it to some point as I believe that I really can help people. This is not about how much I will make or what I will do but more about how many people can I reach out to. What can I do to help them? How can I be of service to people and create a better life. I want to be like Dr. Wayne Dyer, I just love how he has incorporated the spiritual life with his everyday life. I think I just found my mentor :)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
in this day and age
who do you know that blasts classical music and loves listening to it. Who believes in keeping their culture's values and traditions, who doesn't care about they way they are dressed (except for interviews and such), who doesn't want about alcohol and drugs. Me...I do all these things I believe in myself and I know I am so capable of doing bigger and better things. I am the one who's holding myself down.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” By Marianne Williamson from A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” By Marianne Williamson from A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles
Monday, September 27, 2010
My goals
so today I was thinking what I was going to do if things didn't quite go my way. I am so scared that if I don't do well in my class I won't get to be a psych major anymore but then I remembered that if that is so what's the worst that can happen? I have to change my major and start again, so it'll take more time but I will figure it out. Here are some things that I want to do
- graduate with a 3.0 or better
- get into a grad school
- teach classes
- go scuba diving
- go backpacking (anywhere)
- visit European countries
- go to India again
- defend myself and make my family realize I am an adult
- have confidence around my family
- learn to be sharper and better
- get an A in any major class
- get a letter of recommendation
- get an internship
- get a part time job
Thursday, September 16, 2010
to live with roomates
It's never easy to share a room or an apartment with people you don't know. But living with them teaches you a lot of things that you could have never learned by living alone. Living with others is not for everyone you either love it or hate it. The disadvantages are that even if you think you are getting along with your roomies there's bound to be arguments or misunderstandings. The important thing is to always talk it out in a calm and rational manner. If your roommate/housemates are not willing to listen then ask for help through mediation programs but don't expect much if your roommates aren't willing to share or solve the problems. The next best thing is to just live it through and make friends so you can live with your friends next year. Join a club, get involved to make friends there are plenty of opportunities. I have lived with difficult roommates but they helped me be a better person and understand how to cope with people who are unwilling to listen to you.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
to Volunteer and Beyond!
I have promised myself that despite my setbacks last year as I had a lot going on this year I want to help out as much as I can and try to give my time to the causes that I believe in. I also want to go kayaking with friends but I guess I might have to do it alone. I will try to get people to try it though maybe if I tell them how much fun it is :) I really don't want to go alone but if that's what it takes and walking/biking 2 miles, then so be it! Today I had $1 ice cream cone :D a local shop has a $1 cone on Wednesdays so I took advantage
Monday, September 13, 2010
back in past
so I have started to re watch lois and clark: the new adventures of superman. Ah yes old memories, it was such an awesome tv show and Teri Hatcher and Dean Cain were my fav actors :) they still are. I almost watched desperate housewives just coz of Hatcher, but I did find it appealing. She can do way better than that show. But I guess you can't choose if you're under the radar.
Friday, September 10, 2010
life as I know it
it's so strange I feel restless, uninterested and crazy. I am no longer interested in anything but pursuing my goal of reaching a state of self realization. I want to read as many spiritual books as I can. People have such wrong ideas about God. There's no one path that leads to him but in fact all paths do. There's nothing wrong with being a murderer, homosexual, adulterer etc God loves us all. I suggest you read Paramansha Yogananda's books as he can explain it better. Such an amazing yogi, he is. I think it's so important to believe in your values but also accept people as they are. I used to write anything and everything I felt and needed to let out.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
So I am back
Yes I was helping my aunt pack and unpack. My goodness packing is such a chore and unpacking is worse especially in a new home because you have to make so many decisions on what goes where. I hope I never have to move. I know I know moving is inevitable...hire movers? Definitely :) but it's so darn expensive. One day I know I will have a job with income but that day has yet to come. I have reorganize my whole room as it's such a mess but I will be victorious and deal with it. Clutter be gone!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
finally here
Ok, I don't have much time, so I'll make it short. I am now at my faiji (aunt)'s house and I am helping her pack and move. This will take some time so I will be out for 2-3 weeks. Till then. Be safe, do good.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Ok so it's extremely rare that I post more than one blog a day. But I have all these thoughts and I need to write them. I think it's therapeutic. Once I am done helping my aunt move, I really want to explore the areas around me, I dunno go hiking, biking something outdoors. The problem is that I live kinda far to do that. I really wish I had a car so I could drive myself to the bike trail. I might just go to the Santa Ana Botanical gardens, although it's not free anymore =( I love enjoying nature and being there with it. Taking photos, naming plants and animals (I try and I have a book thanks to Cindy Shannon). I guess I should tell you who that is. It all started with Anne Scott, my Earth Science teacher, she got me into caring about the environment. I then joined the E.A.G.L.E. club where I met awesome people who care more about the environment. I went on several adventures with them. Then I took Bio 3 (for fun) with Cindy and she helped me realize how easy it was to name plants and animals if you only pay a little attention. Also she got me into kayaking. Thank goodness it's cheap at SB. So that's my little story
Monday, July 12, 2010
To Help moving...
Alright so I am going to ask my friend Jean if she can drop me at my aunt's house tomorrow, hopefully, she will. My aunt and uncle are moving from Ontario to N. Fontana, they just bought a house and they have been packing and moving since Mid-June. They will start living there in August. I am so happy for them as they really needed a house. It's a small one level house in a great neighborhood. They cannot afford movers as it's very expensive, hence they are moving themselves. I wish they had more help but at least I am here and I can help. So I will be out for a while but *I shall be back* (Dracula accent) yes, yes I am weird.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Vacation's over and it's not...
Ok so my cousin Marium's gone and now that I have nothing to do I will be doing nothing. However I do have some important things to do
- Research Graduate schools
- Watch endless/mindless TV (okay so some of them aren't mindless)
- Try to find scholarships for grad school
- Enjoy summer
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Where have I been
So I have been vacationing with my cousin Marium as she's here and we've been going so many places. We went to San Diego for 2 days, Universal studios, Cerritos (India town), Boomers (arcades, mini golf etc). We have been doing things everyday and it's wonderful. I think I will miss this :( I can always look for things to do but it won't be the same. I will try to get a temporary job and hopefully my dad can come. I don't want to work while my dad's here ah decisions....I will see and decide
Monday, June 14, 2010
All my wishes came true
So everything I wished for came true. I think I had simple wishes compared to my peers :) ah the joy of life. So yesterday My bro, my aunt, uncle and me went to Olive garden and I enjoyed it immensely. We also saw their new house. It is very nice and beautiful. I had a premonition that I will live there for the rest of my life. I know that I will be alright as the lord will take care of me but of course it is my duty and obligation to put in effort as well. Ah the joys of life. Why can't it be simple? I want to live in a very eco friendly way. I hope to do so in the future.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
of headaches
Hmm so for the past two days I have been experiencing intense headaches at night. I think stress may be the key factor. Ah the joys of life...NOT! Also I found out that my bike tires were half full so I got air and wow I can ride 10 times faster. Hey! this is my first bike how am I supposed to know that I am supposed to check every 3 months. So far my plan for tomorrow...try to go to the touch tanks I hope the Faculty club's open during finals week if not I don't know where I am going to treat myself to my b'day lunch....
Friday, June 4, 2010
name a person that always makes you smile, cry, joyous and happy. No one. However there's one person for me and it's God. He's always there and holds my hand during tough times but I have to remember Him and be with Him too. On another topic so I was with my friend B again and as usual he always makes me laugh and fall for him all over again. Although I have tried to suppress my feelings, it's not working. I asked him to be there for my b'day and apparently he might be with his gf (i.e. my friend) and unfortunately she's not 21 so she can't come downtown with us. I asked him to ask her nicely without having her choose between me and her. I got through to him thankfully. I don't and won't be the person who breaks apart a relationship especially if they are my friends or even when they are not my friends. Imagine being that person. If you break a relationship who's to say that your bf/gf won't leave you when times are tough (because the person left his/her former partner for you). Of course there are exceptions on why they left the person (but in this case you didn't really break the relationship). For instance I have a friend and she was seeing a guy who was married but it was the guy who was pursuing her. Apparently his "then" wife was doing black magic on him. Anyways needless to say my pal's with him now and has a baby boy (5 yrs old now) so it all worked out.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Is it that obvious?
Okay so I like this guy, let's call him B and it's not like OMG I want to be with him but I am having these feelings...I don't know how to handle this. I thought I was too old for crushes. So I was commenting about it and my other friend was like is it B? And I denied it and said it was my other best friend...I know lame...Jeez I think everyone knows...not cool! Why?
- he has a gf
- his gf is my good friend
- he doesn't know that I like him
- he doesn't think of me tht way
- I want him to be just a friend
My pet peeves
Ah yes we all have them. We all prolly do something that annoys someone, including me. But, these are my pet peeves
- smoking in front of me
- not being on time for something
- not doing your job
- not helping when you should
- not returning things on time
- cutting me off by walking in front of me
- bumping into me and not sayin sorry or excuse me before
Monday, May 31, 2010
b'day wish list
so there's 8 days left till my b'day and this is what I want
- to be closer to He who is above all else
- proper chocolate cake (or something similar)
- a good lunch
- celebrate with friends
- b'day card(s) (even one!)
- that one wish tht involves :)
- someone to say you look really nice
- someone to say happy b'day in person
- to look awesome for myself :)
- end of finals celebration (collaborates with 3 and 4)
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Ah yes the days are flying by. Soon I shall get to move! Things are working great I am sharing a storage unit with 4 ppl. Did I say I am moving? LOL I love saying it. I can't wait! Also my b'day is coming up and I am excited I bought a super cute dress it was a lil expensive but well worth it! Anyways finals are coming up thus I am busy with studying. What can I say I am looking forward to summer where I can relax and do nothing ah but wait my cousin Marium is coming so I will hav loads to do and my dad coming's maybe not a quiet summer but I love it :)
Friday, May 21, 2010
The quest goes on
On this Earth I am an adventurer and I am on a quest for enlightenment. So far the road's been rocky but I met a lot of people to help me. It's difficult when people my age have an entire different notion than I do but it's okay I firmly believe in my values and that's the reason I am safe. Why do you think young people are getting HPV? Well 1. they sleep around 2. their partners are not safe 3. their partner may be a one night stand. I believe that you should always talk about being safe with your partner and if they love you they will. So in summary I am glad I am not in a relationship
Saturday, May 15, 2010
such wonderful friends and family
So for the past few days I will admit I was sad. But lately it's as though someone has cast a wonderful spell :) I am getting reassurances left and right from family and friends. Today one of my friends made cookies for me. I want to cry (with joy, humility and other words that I can't think of) Also the other day I was feeling sad and I met a friend on campus and he gave me a hug! I have been so blessed and I know he who is above all else is especially looking after me now more than ever. Prayers are a wonderful thing. I can't believe so many people are praying for me! I know that whenever I pray I do it with a pure heart and with utmost devotion. I know that prayers work. I have been busy but my lord has been hinting that He is there for me through my friends and family. Thank God for such great people in my life.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
My work
So I am in SACC (Student Apartment Community Council) and I do a lot of work. I plan events for my residents, I throw an independent event. I love my job. Unfortunately I didn't get the position of coffee house manager for next year. I will still be a rep though. Maybe I can run as an Exec next year :) I love giving back to my community and doing voluntary work for the public. I thrive on altruism. If only I had more money I could do so much more and worry less. Anyways I have so much to do this weekend, Relay for life, Extravaganza (with music artists such as Drake and Chomero!) and Spring splash! I am involved in Relay and spring splash
Sunday, May 9, 2010
The Beauty of Friendship (with names)
Sometimes I feel alone then my friend calls me or texts me and it makes my day! My friends are such an asset and I am so blessed to have so many that are willing to do anything for me. Some say that family members cannot be your friends, I beg to differ. No matter what differences we have I will never forget my childhood friends who happen to be my cousins :) Thank you Kulsum, Marium and Safia. Then there are special people who will save you from bullies and you don't forget them Thanks Sheliza. In high school times were tough and along came four angels to save me Thank you Alkesh, Anisha, Ntale and Sajida. In University my mom was ill and I needed someone so much and I got a whole team of friends Thanks to Katie, Audra, Kevin, Richard, Kat I thank you for being in life. I love you my dear friends.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
the weekend
Saturday, May 1, 2010
the middle & the end
Continuing with my story
As I grew older I realized that there was no need to be so depressed, I was still unhappy and I never understood why. I hated going to the mosque, I felt like I was choking and all the preaching was lies. I only went to please my mother and be with my cousins. I never once prayed accordingly but instead I prayed to God with all my heart and crying to him. I remember that in 2004 I went to England for my cousin Kavindar's wedding. There I reconnected with my aunt Rehana. I finally found solace as she told me about Imam Ali and how the bohora religion had it wrong. I was so relived to find this out and I told her about my beliefs and hating the religion. There she explained there is no need for such hate as it only leads to bad thoughts but more of to be aware of oneself and pray however one pleases. I went back to Dar and was a little more happier and I started to apply to schools in USA as it would be cheaper than England. I came to U.S and my aunt and I had many great conversations and I was finally free. I found out in June/July of 2005 that my immigrant visa had come through. I thought that I would never get it before I was 21 thus I went to USA as an international student. But in August I went back to Dar and our papers and stuff was finalized. My parents and I came to USA in Jan 2006. There are two other stories connected to this story but I'll leave that for another time. I am just concentrating on my trauma for now. So I have been in the USA for 4 yrs now. In 2007 mom complained of stomach problems (which was cancer but we didn't know) she was misdiagnosed with ulcers. In around June 2008 she got very ill and my dad took her to India where they found abnormal cancerous cells and we didn't tell her then. My family didn't tell anyone which was a mistake. Only my immediate family ie. my parents, my bro, me and my aunts' families knew. The doctors told us she had 3 months but we fought it so hard that she lived till November 2009. We did everything we could. I went twice to Dar es salaam in December 2007 and June 2008? (I am not sure) but more in June she had become more ill than December and I took care of her. I don't know how she made it to America in June 2009 but it was good because she got to see me and my bro and my aunt (Rehana) and uncle (Shamshu). I am glad she came as they got to see her for the last time as well as me. In Early November my brother went to dar (which was the best decision as one, he was closer to her and two, I was still in Uni). My bro was there when mom passed. I had said my goodbye here and astrally(I went to her and my brother in their dreams which I remember as well). I didn't feel guilty for not being there or anything as I did all I could for her. That's my story
As I grew older I realized that there was no need to be so depressed, I was still unhappy and I never understood why. I hated going to the mosque, I felt like I was choking and all the preaching was lies. I only went to please my mother and be with my cousins. I never once prayed accordingly but instead I prayed to God with all my heart and crying to him. I remember that in 2004 I went to England for my cousin Kavindar's wedding. There I reconnected with my aunt Rehana. I finally found solace as she told me about Imam Ali and how the bohora religion had it wrong. I was so relived to find this out and I told her about my beliefs and hating the religion. There she explained there is no need for such hate as it only leads to bad thoughts but more of to be aware of oneself and pray however one pleases. I went back to Dar and was a little more happier and I started to apply to schools in USA as it would be cheaper than England. I came to U.S and my aunt and I had many great conversations and I was finally free. I found out in June/July of 2005 that my immigrant visa had come through. I thought that I would never get it before I was 21 thus I went to USA as an international student. But in August I went back to Dar and our papers and stuff was finalized. My parents and I came to USA in Jan 2006. There are two other stories connected to this story but I'll leave that for another time. I am just concentrating on my trauma for now. So I have been in the USA for 4 yrs now. In 2007 mom complained of stomach problems (which was cancer but we didn't know) she was misdiagnosed with ulcers. In around June 2008 she got very ill and my dad took her to India where they found abnormal cancerous cells and we didn't tell her then. My family didn't tell anyone which was a mistake. Only my immediate family ie. my parents, my bro, me and my aunts' families knew. The doctors told us she had 3 months but we fought it so hard that she lived till November 2009. We did everything we could. I went twice to Dar es salaam in December 2007 and June 2008? (I am not sure) but more in June she had become more ill than December and I took care of her. I don't know how she made it to America in June 2009 but it was good because she got to see me and my bro and my aunt (Rehana) and uncle (Shamshu). I am glad she came as they got to see her for the last time as well as me. In Early November my brother went to dar (which was the best decision as one, he was closer to her and two, I was still in Uni). My bro was there when mom passed. I had said my goodbye here and astrally(I went to her and my brother in their dreams which I remember as well). I didn't feel guilty for not being there or anything as I did all I could for her. That's my story
Friday, April 30, 2010
the story
before I start I just want to say I saw the queen (the movie) and it was great. I can't imagine how hard it was for Queen Elizabeth the 2 to manage to do so well when the whole nation was not quite liking her. I cannot imagine the pressure she has on her. My heart goes out to her and the whole royal family. Back to the story
So after my mom's surgery and all, she was on medication for cancer. I remember having to change everything about my life. I had to do everything for myself for once. Before cancer mom was up before me and made breakfast and lunch. Now I got up and did everything by myself. I got money for lunch. I remember that when I didn't want to go to school or was really ill I had to wake her up and tell her that I wasn't going to go to school. My high school years (esp the first 2) were the most difficult. I now recognize I had adolescent depression. I used to hate my life and I was rebelling my religion. I hated having to wear "a burkha" (ours was different, it was colorful and full of lace and I can't explain it but it was different from all muslim burkhas). I hated not being able to wear jeans or whatever I wanted. Even when I had to go across the street I had to put it on. It was horrible and added fuel to my depression. Can you imagine a teenage girl being forced by society to wear something she doesn't believe in? Thank God I had liberal parents and I didn't wear it on many occasions like parties, weddings, at certain restaurants and some other places. I was happiest when I wasn't wearing it and doing my own thing. My fondest memories was at our beach house despite all the adults arguing and being fussed about the time, food and other worries. I was carefree and enjoyed the beach.
to be continued...
So after my mom's surgery and all, she was on medication for cancer. I remember having to change everything about my life. I had to do everything for myself for once. Before cancer mom was up before me and made breakfast and lunch. Now I got up and did everything by myself. I got money for lunch. I remember that when I didn't want to go to school or was really ill I had to wake her up and tell her that I wasn't going to go to school. My high school years (esp the first 2) were the most difficult. I now recognize I had adolescent depression. I used to hate my life and I was rebelling my religion. I hated having to wear "a burkha" (ours was different, it was colorful and full of lace and I can't explain it but it was different from all muslim burkhas). I hated not being able to wear jeans or whatever I wanted. Even when I had to go across the street I had to put it on. It was horrible and added fuel to my depression. Can you imagine a teenage girl being forced by society to wear something she doesn't believe in? Thank God I had liberal parents and I didn't wear it on many occasions like parties, weddings, at certain restaurants and some other places. I was happiest when I wasn't wearing it and doing my own thing. My fondest memories was at our beach house despite all the adults arguing and being fussed about the time, food and other worries. I was carefree and enjoyed the beach.
to be continued...
Thursday, April 29, 2010
the root cause
Today in health psychology I found out that people who have experienced trauma are susceptible to suppression of their immune system. I think that I am one of them because after my mother passed I have been getting ill a lot more. I know she is in a better place and has a lot of joy. In the afterworld she is a better person and she know who the lord of the time is! She has all the knowledge if she sought it. The good news is that I found that writing about traumas helps the trauma participants. So let's begin.
In the beginning there was me at 12 yrs old. I was in primary school still, and I found out that my mother had cancer. I didn't know what it was and what effects it has. I remember my family members all helping mine to deal with it. I remember being at the mosque and my Yasin kaka came up to me and said "don't you want to go see your mom in the hospital?" and I was glad to escape the mosque and he took me (I think) or someone took me to the hospital. The doctors came and told me about cancer and showed me the tumor they removed. If I only knew! I would have been more interested but I remember it was like a ball and it was full of string like attachments. (I now know that those were the abnormal cells all piled together). be continued
In the beginning there was me at 12 yrs old. I was in primary school still, and I found out that my mother had cancer. I didn't know what it was and what effects it has. I remember my family members all helping mine to deal with it. I remember being at the mosque and my Yasin kaka came up to me and said "don't you want to go see your mom in the hospital?" and I was glad to escape the mosque and he took me (I think) or someone took me to the hospital. The doctors came and told me about cancer and showed me the tumor they removed. If I only knew! I would have been more interested but I remember it was like a ball and it was full of string like attachments. (I now know that those were the abnormal cells all piled together). be continued
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Stress and Health
I am taking health psychology and it's enlightened me to how stress can negatively affect everything. Not that I didn't know this but it's good to see the actual research version. So I am sick again thanks to stress, I thought I was on top and in control of my stress, I guess not. Or maybe my immune system was at an all time low...I don't know. Lately I have been getting sick a lot and I don't like it. Maybe I should get flu shots? They are free...LOL but I feel like I get more sick with them I don't know maybe it's another strain of flu...who knows. I guess I will get flu shots regularly now! The thing is maybe I have bronchitis, because my friend had it and I was studying with him...hmm I will get an appointment. So my bro found a kitten! YAY! I love cats like nobody's business! I melt when I see a fuzzy little or big cat. Even the mean ones are nice to me because they can sense my love. Love is a powerful thing and it conquers all. I am glad he found it because it will help him with his grief. I know he's still grieving but I don't know how to help him. I guess just be there for him. I pray for him as he needs it, but unfortunately we can't keep it as 1. it's expensive 2. I can't take him to Uni as there's a no pet policy. The only thing we can keep is fish :( I am soo sad :(
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
these days
These days I cry when I have to buy groceries because I don't have the money. These days I am always alone because I don't want to share my grief with my friends. These days I pray more than ever as He is the only one who knows me best. These days I am getting ill due to stress. These days I wonder what I am going to do. This is not a fairytale. This is my life
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Time management 101
Okay so far I have been very good this quarter. I have been doing all my readings and keeping up with my classes. I am watching Buffy the Vampire slayer again :) yay netflix esp watch instantly but the net sucks here. Just a price to pay I suppose! I will be successful this quarter! Can't wait till my dad gets here :) be continued.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
of allergies and pollen
Spring is a nice time as it's pretty and so soothing however it hurts my allergies a lot. I have been sneezing and have had all the bad symptoms of allergies. There is no relief I have tried all meds and nothing works! Help....
Monday, March 29, 2010
The simple life
Imagine a world where there was no money involved. People would still have jobs but they would trade it for other services. We can use the barter system to get things. What a wonderful life :)
Saturday, March 27, 2010
spring is here
Finally it's getting warmer in Santa Barbara. Okay so I am a little spoilt with Californian weather. The ideal temperature is 75F. I love hot cocoa on a cold day :) thank god for lactose free milk but then again soy milk isn't bad either. I have to get a good brand of soy milk but so far I want to stick to regular milk without lactose. I cannot wait till September when I get to live with my friend Coco :) it's so sad that my roommates don't like me and think that I am taking their food. Although they admit that I always have the most food anyways I always pray for them and forgive them. I pray that they see who I am and just leave me be. I finally learned how to bike now I only have to learn how to control it better which I am going to attempt today.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Spring break!
Alright! Spring is here (finally) and I might be getting sick again :( germs are so bad. I am excited about my classes and I really want to start doing fun things to help boost my wellness. I want to explore my area and I know My Lord will protect me and I know He looks out for me every second of my life. What a great friend He is, God never asks to do much except remember him when you truly want. Does it matter where you are when praying? Absolutely not! The most sacred temple, mosque, church,etc is your body. On a different note, hot chocolate tastes awesome! I need an intervention for my chocolate addiction!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Would I...
Would I make a good parent because I have liberal views? Because I can accept my child for who they are and if they happen to be queer it would be okay. My family is so close I want mine to be too. Would I make a good wife because I would love my husband with all my heart and soul? Because my husband would know God comes first in my life. Would I make a good teacher because I love children so much? I want to teach them how to love everyone and tell them they all the same in God's eyes. Stop the hate and start living. Learn to love people for who they are and eventually they will love you too. It's a difficult journey for all of us, lets make it easier by loving each other.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Dear God
My dear lord, this is tiring. I am tired in my mind, my body and in my spirit. I ask you to please help me during this tough time. My roommate thinks I am eating her stuff and I am not. I am so tired of being accused, does she not know that I always tell the truth. I am tired of defending myself. I have faith in you my lord. What is this world come to, why can't I profess what I really feel? I am just tired.
Friday, February 12, 2010
okay so I said it, I am sick and I hav a high fever and feel really bad. My head's pounding, I have chills, my throat's on fire, and yea I get dizzy spells. So if don't see me bloggin tht's coz I am catchin some ZZZzzzzZZs
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Alright I admit it. I think I am getting sick, my throat feels like it's on fire. It's not a good sigh :( on a plus sign I am going to be on the radio tomorrow. Whoo hoo! Okay it's the university owned radio but hey it's a start! I am compiling news but I plan to report only good news, in these hard times we need hope and something to look forward to! :)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Midterms are over...yay
Okay now I can breathe, my life is in chaos, why? I had to take last quarter's finals and midterms are upon me and I am overwhelmed but I shall rise and be a great student. I didn't do well on my finals but then it's expected. I took incompletes last quarter as I couldn't do my finals because my mother passed. I got many condolences, but my family were expecting it as she had cancer and was suffering at the end of her days. Cancer is the worst of all illnesses as it leaves the patient weak, in extreme pain, and many other bad things that I don't want to remember right now. My emotions are still raw as she passed on Nov 21 2009, just 5 days before her b'day. She would have been 58. I am going to be 25 this year so I had 24 wonderful years with her. That's the end of that for now. Anyways I am going to focus on my studies as that was her last wish. I am going to be the best psychology teacher ever. I may consult on the side. I mean I have had so many things I got over. I have learned so many lessons and these events have made my faith in God stronger than ever. Also it has made me a better person in general.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
of Floatopia
Methinks I am going to regret floatopia. What have I gotten into? I was studying a bit for my cognitive it didn't seem so bad, it's kinda covers everything we have been learning in other psych classed. I am wondering how ppl can get good grades with all these "beer" events...maybe floatopia is in spring break? I plan to hide under my bed thank you very much. Okay okay I might go for a little while and come back I did that in halloween too.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
I can't believe tomorrow's FEB 1! Where have all the days gone? I read some of developmental woot woot! NOT! Another day another procrastination. OH well...
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Ingrid Michaelson
OH MY GOD, today was epic I freaking saw and heard Ingrid Michaelson! I got a picture and an autograph yay! Also I did my notecards for developmental psychology on Friday and finished them today before Ingrid's concert. I am so proud of myself for doing everything. I feel accomplished.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
of shows and things
so I went to a show called "nothing like my mother" by Christine Corpuz
This one-woman show explores the contradictions we face each day and the means by which we choose to accept or deny, and laugh or cry, through their existence. Written and performed by UCSB alumna Christine Corpuz, MOTHER originally debuted at New York University's Graduate Acting Freeplay Festival in 2007. It was later produced by New York City's Nuyorican Poet's Café in 2008, being the first Asian-American one-person show by the company, and earning Corpuz an Audelco/Vivian Robinson Award nomination in Best Solo Performance. It was amazing!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Ah yes the dreaded date. I have no witty title, I am afraid you are out of luck. I am not some random chick who bitched about her day nor do I want to be. Today I procrastinated yet again; I wanted to read my cognitive psychology book but my friend Richard borrowed it. This is my lame excuse, I have notes but do I want to read or write notecards? NO...and the midterm is when? Feb 9th which is 12 days away. I have been studying for developmental though. It's way more interesting. Oh well another day to procrastinate. I am determined to read on Friday, as tomorrow I have classes all day.
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