Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Kama you there?

These colonists shamed your teachings and have made it inappropriate to love others. You were a revolutionary and knew true love is genderless. You taught how love between people is just love; not lust nor shame for having sensual feelings for another person whether man or woman or non-binary.

They made being ardhanarishvara a crime. Although amazing humans like Alok and Sushant Divgikar who are teaching us to do better. All of us have different sexual needs and wants, they shame us for having thoughts to pleasure ourselves despite it being normal.

For those of us that are different, Kama, you are a shining beacon of love. I hope that one day we can have a society that is portrayed in Star Trek; one that has utopia and we search for new frontiers and new worlds. 

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Life of a single woman in the late 30’s

 It’s rather strange that I’m unmarried as a 38 year old. Especially because I’m Indian and formerly bohra Muslim. My beliefs are more spiritual than anything I tend to gravitate towards Hinduism. I like my life even though there’s problems. I’m glad that I do not have children and I have the freedom to do what I want (to a degree). Ideally I would love to travel the world but my finances have been spotty lately. I’m doing my best to come back up and have the life that I can enjoy. I turn to my ancestors and spirit guides for guidance and hope that I have the strength to move on and try to make a better life. Currently I’m trying to move to Texas where I have more cousins and hopefully get a fresh start and begin a new chapter in my life. Hopefully I can transfer with my job and have something to build on when I get there. Till then our world is in chaos trying to decide who’s right and wrong (Israel vs Palestine) while it’s innocent people who suffer. If only the world knew who was responsible. I have watched many of David Wilcox’s interviews and documentary videos. I suggest you do the same. One day I hope to see a better world till then we pray for a better future.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Palestine vs Israel

 Things are crazy everywhere around the world. Of course the government (U.S.A.) are ignoring it only serves them to be seen as good. Per the history Israel used to be Palestine and when the holocaust happened and Jews needed a safe place, Palestine was one of the few that welcomed them. However with the help of the American government they took over Palestine and started calling it Israel. We all have ties to this holy land, all people who are spiritually awake are feeling the after effects of what’s happening there. It’s taking a toll on us and the only thing we can do is pray. In a world where we are supposed have free speech, we are not allowed to show any support for Palestine. We can choose where to spend money but not where we work. Most likely all corporate places are tied to Israel unless you have your own business or work at a small business. So here’s my take, I just want peace. It is obvious who started this war, they failed with Ukraine, so now they have a new target. They are inciting violence amongst Jews and Muslims. We must rise and be better and be able to see the whole picture. I can only pray that light triumphs the negative. 

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Broken heart

Hello fellow humans with all the stuff that’s going on, I can only pray for peace for the world. Meanwhile I just am here crying because not sure if there’s someone for me or not. Who knows maybe I am not meant to have a partner in this life…here’s a song I wrote.

🎵I hope you know you broke my heart, why did you even pretend to care, I had thought I found the one but alas it was just my imagination. Someday you will know this hurt, you just left without saying goodbye. Ghosting is not cool, just tell me what I did wrong. Now I’m broken hearted because of you. I won’t find anyone else like you. I am never going to trust myself again. We could have been great together but you never cared. You left me broken-hearted. Someday this will come back to you and you will know this hurt too. We talked about everything and I thought your walls were down but you had other plans, I’m still broken hearted. I hope you know I will never trust again. Someday I hope you find what you are looking for. I just know it won’t be me.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Mixed signals

 So I made plans with a guy for lunch/ dinner but I was so off as he just wanted to meet as friends. The dude is married and has kids (2) I was mortified when I found out I legit thought I was on my first date with this dude. This story is going in my funny book and I dunno if I was desperate or what. So the back story is that he texted me non stop saying let’s go out for lunch or dinner and just have a drink I suppose it was in honor of my uncle who just passed. I just want to die of mortification 🙈🙈 

Rain makes me feel like so

 in the rare times that it rains in Southern California it’s nice to take time and enjoy it. Today is Martin Luther King jr. day. Only certain places are open, and it makes me question every time if I’m doing enough. Life seems simple yet complicated and it’s usually the circumstances that make it so. In our toughest times we learn our most valuable lessons. Ever since I have come to live with my aunt I can’t help but feel I’ve put my life on hold. Life doesn’t stop for anyone

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

No I’m not Hispanic nor lived in India

 When I first found out about kwanza I laughed and thought was silly (especially coming from Tanzania). However when I see it from a black American’s perspective it all makes sense. As someone who is of Indian ethnicity and was born and brought up in Tanzania I was more privileged than others.  When I first came to California I didn’t know the true morbid American history which no country learns about as United States sweeps it under the rug perhaps because U.S. is considered a super power (in my opinion it isn't). The true dark history is that when the first immigrants came in U.S. they figured out that the best way to get rid of Native American is to divide and conquer just like their ancestors before them. So in the short version of history. The immigrants took advantage of how Native Americans feud with different tribes, then spread non native disease within their community, after that there was an all out genocide carried out by immigrants. This also led to the immigrants telling their offspring how they are better than natives leading to racism, prejudice and a sense of entitlement. After wiping out almost everyone, they started bringing slaves from various parts of Africa. They made Africa one country, erased all roots and made it seem so small when it's the second biggest continent in the world. So after the slaves came the immigrants' children's racism and entitlement only grew. After that finally Abraham Lincoln realized this isn't right and started a movement and a civil war broke out. After slavery was abolished there was no justice served for the Black Americans only in the 1960's after Martin Luther King's efforts was finally some justice was served. Our system is still broken, in my humble opinion there's much more struggles ahead. There's micro aggression faced by people of color, it's exhausting to correct people and explain it everyday. My ancestors moved from India to Tanzania in an effort to make a new life (this was 5 generations ago) I consider myself Tanzanian even if the Black community in Tanzania doesn't. Unfortunately I had a privileged life as an Indian in Tanzania, that's another story for another time. The annoying thing is that because of how I look most people just assume I am hispanic start talking to me in Spanish (especially in doctor's office) it's has become highly annoying and exhausting.