Saturday, September 24, 2011

the time's almost here

so I am finally finishing my Bachelors in Religious Studies I will be done in December 2011. My B.A. is an informality because I want a masters in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL). The reason my journey took longer than most is because I have been through a lot for someone my age. I lost my mother to God two years ago (which is okay because I am happy for her), I moved to U.S.A. and basically had to start from scratch education wise (low Math and English score, but that soon changed). I thrived in college and transfered to University of California, Santa Barbara where I am doing okay for someone in my position. Someone wise once said "It's not the education that's hard, studies are easy, it's the financial troubles that get a normal working class student" I believe there are so few opportunities for students with low income in my area. There are many in sciences and engineering (at least in California). I have been struggling to balance everything and it is very difficult. It's affected my spiritual and personal life, I lost touch with people that matter most to me and that is unacceptable. I need to try to balance my life and keep in touch with people I love especially my old friends. I think I need to break free and discover myself through teaching English in Korea because I'll be doing something I love and gaining experience I need to not be a student for at least one year out of my 17+ years of constant studies.