Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My work

So I am in SACC (Student Apartment Community Council) and I do a lot of work. I plan events for my residents, I throw an independent event. I love my job. Unfortunately I didn't get the position of coffee house manager for next year. I will still be a rep though. Maybe I can run as an Exec next year :) I love giving back to my community and doing voluntary work for the public. I thrive on altruism. If only I had more money I could do so much more and worry less. Anyways I have so much to do this weekend, Relay for life, Extravaganza (with music artists such as Drake and Chomero!) and Spring splash! I am involved in Relay and spring splash 


  1. Make the most Asma we are proud of you
    All the wories of money will be of the past for you in the future.
    But remember when you have money you do not find lots of other things which are to give then to buy.

  2. True but I was thinking more along to help someone. For instance if you give someone fish you feed them for one day but if you teach them how to fish then you feed them forever thus I want to expand people's knowledge to be more self aware and I need money to hold lectures or do any work along those lines.
