Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Pandemic in S.California

Hello everyone! As you can tell I have been busy with life, and neglecting my blog. For that I am sorry to you and to myself. Life is funny, knowledge will always find its way to you, should you seek it. Ever since I was young, I have this thirst to know who is Allah? What does He do? Why and the purpose, for that is another topic which I shall post another time. For now, it has been a hectic year, a lot of changes with everyone, especially those who are immunocompromised. If you are one of them, my prayers are with you, and please know this too shall pass. So what has happened so far? 
  1. Social distancing (6 feet apart from each other)
  2. Mandatory wearing of masks (some States and Cities are against it, believe it or not)
  3. No social gatherings (or limited social gathering i.e. only 10 people maximum)
  4. Sanitization of grocery store carts, the checkout belt and other places
  5. Lockdown of most businesses only essential businesses open (Grocery, Healthcare, Convenience store to name a few)
Those are some of the few I can think of, please feel free to add your comments. Life has changed, made us more aware of how precious our health is and how important it is to maintain it. We all miss our friends and family but at least we have our homes. There's both good and bad things happening, but like Mr. Rogers always says "Look for the helpers." I choose to look at all the good things happening, not focus on the bad, there's all sort of help available financial, emotional, and health too. If you are in need of any resources please visit your local government website for assistance, there are many projects available to help you. For California, visit www.covid19.ca.gov or google any state and it will show up. Visit your local Church, Mosque, Temple to see if there's any assistance available, we are all in this together!

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